Monday, March 9, 2009

Winthrop Department of Design

Today I emailed the Design Department at Winthrop University and inquired how their program might be able to help me get the credentials I will need to enter a career in design. A new employee of one of my dad's friend's shops was able to attend Winthrop part time to get her degree in design... this is exactly what I need. Ideally, I would prefer to continue working at my current company while attending school. I hope there might be a chance to scale back my hours during the week so I don't have to quit before my one year mark at which I will receive a much needed guaranteed bonus. Money, money, money, moneh, MONNNEHHH.

Winthrop also has a non-traditional program called The New Start Program for adult students. This, along with location, are two added bonuses Winthrop can provide for me in my current situation. I have my fingers crossed that they might even accept some of the credits I earned during my first semester at Virginia Tech as an Interior Design major. Anything to get me to graduation faster!

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