Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sucker for Packaging

As a good friend of mine once said, "If it weren't for chicks no one would buy any of this crap." There is certainly an amount of truth to that statement. I often fall victim to that all too familiar warm fuzzy feeling when I see something pretty and shiny that I just must have. As bizarre as it may sound, everyday common household items, when packaged in an interesting way, do the exact same thing that it does to other women when they see Prada shoes. It's an, "I want that!"

As my interest in organization and design has grown, along side my desire to become more green, I've developed an interest in cleaning products. Yes, cleaning products. It started a few months ago when I realized that I didn't really know how to do my laundry. I did some online searching and found an adorable little book, Betty's Book of Laundry Secrets,that told me all I needed to know in a few short pages. It's a simple book, something from afar that may resemble something you'd find on a 4 year old's shelf.

Next I moved on to a more elegant book produced by my favorite, Real Simple Magazine. Real Simple Cleaning goes into detail about each room in your house and even provides an easy to use cleaning schedule that helps you stay on track. This book follows the Real Simple design theme found in the magazines and is something you can display.

Now I'd like to begin exploring Green cleaning products. Domino Magazine has created the 2008 green list: easy ways to green your home and devoted a section to green cleaning. These products don't only look great in their packaging, but also are easier on our environment. They have some economical options on the list that I plan to try in the very near future. I'll surely have a mess to clean up after my roomies and I throw an Eggs and Beer party on Saturday morning before rushing off to our annual St. Patty's Day Pub Crawl. I'll let you know if they do the job as well as bleach and Lysol.

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