Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dad to the Rescue

I was home in Columbia, SC visiting my dad and step mom when the topic of trying to figure out how to reroute my current career path came up. My extremely supportive parents were quick to share ideas and personal contacts who could possibly help me with the new endeavor. My dad works for a clothing company, Tom James Company, and is exposed to clients in many different areas of work. He knew of two people immediately who each own interior design shops in Columbia. What a great place to start! I quickly jotted down a few questions for him to ask in advance mostly around my main concern - Do I have to have a degree to be considered? I can't wait to find out what they have to say! At the very minimum it will be nice to, hopefully, meet with them over coffee or lunch next time I'm in town to exchange ideas and hear from people who do what I dream about doing every day.

These lovely rooms were done by one of my dad's contacts, Evon Kirkland. Check out her site - she has some amazing stuff. Evon Kirkland Interiors' work is elegant, simple, and has a slightly modern edge without going overboard.

Another contact he shared with me was Bonnie O'Connor of O'Connor Design, LLC . She and her husband have created some very nice retail space planning that blurs the line of interior design and fashion. It's very interesting to see how creating windows for retailers and dressing mannequins can work as art within a space.

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