Thursday, March 19, 2009

Over the Hills and Through the Woods

I'm off to Dalton, GA next weekend to visit my family: mom, step dad, and little sister, Emily (9 years old). I've been looking forward to this trip ever since I booked the flight a few months ago. It not only will be a great time to relax and enjoy some family time, but it will also be a chance for me to present some ideas to them for a new and improved FROG (that's finished room over the garage). I've asked if I can act as if my family are clients who have presented me with a problem area in their home. It will be up to me to combine the needs of everyone in the family, as it is a place of gathering, and create an asthetic and useful space for them to enjoy.

I've started with some very rough sketches that I will clean up and place on a presentation board. I also am going to do some preliminary pricing of pre-fab items as well as building materials we can use to build some of the products ourselves. I hope to stop in to Modern Fabrics for some swatches to keep in mind for accents throughout the space. A main component to this room will be creating the feeling of built-in shelving. They currently have shelves, but they do not match. I will consider, once I'm back in the space, resurfacing their existing items to see if they can be grouped effectively. I want the room to come across as a unit, not piece-meal.

Another major factor to consider when designing this room will be my little sister. She is a lot like I was at her age: playful, energetic, and basically inseperable from her best friend, Tyson. My best friend was Ryan McRoberts. They have 'fort time' everyday, which consists of stuffing extra sheets into couch creavises, tieing corners to chairs, and draping them over whatever else is nearby to create a fort. I am working on a few ideas that can hopefully take her fort building options to the next level while also making it moveable so the adults can also use the space. Emily is not too far away from her pre-teen and teen years and if she continues to be somewhat like me, I know she'll enjoy a nicely designed room to share with her friends.

I will be taking measurements and pictures on this visit and will share with you all the stages we'll go through as a group to, HOPEFULLY, get to a point where we can use my designs in the space.

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