Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Familiar Elegance

The first green mantra most of us learned was the 3 R's of Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. These 3 R's can be applied to many aspects of our daily lives. Not only should we apply this when choosing what to put in the trash can, but also when considering buying new items from stores. Do you really need a new dress for the party? Do you really need a new dining room table? Many options are available to those who may not be able to afford new things and those who want to create less of an impact on our planet.

Whether she intends it or not, Marjorie Scooler of Familiar Elegance in Charleston, South Carolina is helping to lessen the damaging effect of unnecessary waste that may come out of interior design all while saving her clients money. Marjorie comes to your home and uses the skills of an accomplished interior arranger with your existing furnishings and accessories to give you a new look with a professionals touch. You only pay for her expertise. Another advantage to this approach is time. There is no waiting for new materials to arrive at your home, so this could be a great help before an in home event or open house.

As you can see in her above before and after shot, the final look is something that could be seen in a magazine. And remember, this was done using all of the homeowners existing materials! Throw in some paint, with low VOC of course, and you're in business. Marjorie has even been featured on the popular HGTV show Decorating Cents!

I, personally, love this approach to design. I've moved quite often, but my budget doesn't allow me to buy many new materials. I have reinvented my bedroom and common rooms look each of the 10 times I've moved over the past 9 years. When I'd get bored on a rainy day in high school, my mom would let me re-do the guest bedroom using items we had around the house. If you're looking for a new look and don't want to spend the money give this a try... or better yet let me do it! I won't charge you much!

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