Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Modern Fabrics

Just across the street from me at work there is a fantastic business that sells reclaimed fabrics at a discount. Not only is Modern Fabrics saving hundreds of yards of usable, attractive fabric from the landfill, but it also offers fabrics that may only be available to wholesalers and designers. They have also gone the extra mile by becoming LEED certified, something I've learned is an important accreditation to those designers and contractors who put our environment first. I feel very strongly about using sustainable, environmentally friendly materials in all designs. If it's available, why not?! Well, usually because it makes things more expensive, but hopefully with time these environmentally friendly options will become more main stream and wallet friendly.

My buddy, Mack Knight, gives an incredible example of how far you can take Green Design in his post: Acqua Liana: The Eco-Mansion. No expense was spared in this project, but it's fun to Ewww and Ahhhh over!

As I continue on my journey you'll find that I'll be looking for ways to incorporate Green Living in my design and the designs of others. I strive to personally leave a smaller foot print behind and hope I, someday, will be able to help others do the same by designing living conditions that do it for us.

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