Monday, March 16, 2009

The Green Consultant

During my usual intra-day google searches, I stumbled across the Green Consultant equivalent to Mary Kay Cosmetics. Green Irene certified consultants spend between 60 and 90 minutes evaluating your home and help transform it into a healthier, more economical, greener living environment. The whole family can be involved in their Family Action Plan so it's not all on the head of the household to make the upgrades.

What's great is you are also able to contact them with questions after your visit as you begin to experience your new green lifestyle. They focus on everything from water conservation to waste reduction to toxic free living. Their expertiese doesn't stop in the home either, be sure to utilize their skills in the office as well.

You might be thinking, "Helen, why wouldn't you sign up to be certified?" Well... I definitely did think that when I was first learning about the company, but, just like Mary Kay, you have to pay to play. To become a consultant you must order the training kit, business start up kit, and demo for $450.00. A Green Home Makeover is $99 and consultants receive 80% commission for consultations/workshops and 20% on products sold. So, basically, you'd have to host around 6 $99 appointments to break even. That doesn't sound too bad, but be aware that other consultants may already be scoring business in your area. With most sales jobs, you must be dedicated and committed to get yourself and your business in front of as many prospective clients as you can. At least going through the training can benefit individuals personally. And, who knows, you could break even a lot faster if you implement what you will be 'selling' in your own home through utility bill savings. In addition, I'd need to have over 7 appointments per week to make as much money as I am currently. Maybe I should start testing the waters and see how many appointments I could tentatively book in the next few months and if I can land at least 6 on the weekends I could go for it to break even. Hmmm.

If nothing at all, this site and company do a great job of building an appealing brand. I mean, I want to be Green Irene! Just look at her!

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