Friday, February 27, 2009

Time for a Change

Ever since I was a young girl I've wanted to be a designer or a marine biologist. Pretty random, huh? During my childhood I'd draw pictures and create different crafty projects in my spare time and attend SeaCamp, a marine biology camp in the Florida Keys, for 3 weeks each summer. It looked like I was on track to attain at least one of my dreams, if not maybe both!
I went to college looking forward to beginning classes in my Interior Design major. I was thrilled and knew I would be a great success. I wasn't. I wasn't unsuccessful because I wasn't smart enough or capable of doing well on projects. I was unsuccessful because I wasn't ready to be in college. I didn't understand how to manage my time and I didn't understand how to manage my money. Both of those things were very important when majoring in Interior Design. Projects were long term and you were expected to work on them daily, yet there was nothing you actually had to show your professor until the final due date. Sweet, I thought. I pushed projects off until the last minute and was disgusted with my results. Materials were also expensive and deciding out how to pay for them added stress to my life. I decided to quit the next semester.
After graduating from college I began working at a large bank here in Charlotte.... as most of us do, or now did considering the market downturn and massive amounts of layoffs. Last fall I was lucky enough to land a job at a local up-and-coming hedge fund where I'll have a chance to weather the storm and pop out on the other side of this recession smarter and better equipped to succeed in finance. But I don't wanna!
It's my birthday. My Golden Birthday. I'm giving myself 3 years to start over and pursue my real passion. I'm going to be a designer. By 30.